Friday, August 8, 2008

Trial Lawyers mount class-action suit against "Silky Pony"....

“A man not honorable in his marital relations is not usually honorable in any other.” –Harry Truman

How low do you have to go to make a trial lawyer queasy?

Now we know.

And you just know the kid is his, too.

I can see it now: Trial Lawyers will sue him for defamation, and John-boy "Silky Pony" Edwards will volunteer to take the case... for his usual fee, of course.

And Jesse Jackson (Father to a couple recognized "illegitimate" children, himself.) will offer to "counsel" him, just like he did Prez BC.

Reposted from Hot Air (jeff_from_mpls); I thought this was appropriate:

"If the man himself doesn’t matter, but only his platform, his positions and his policies, then what’s the point of a democratic republic at all?

If the mob is really just voting for an outline of ideas, and not for the man with his judgment, his integrity, his trustworthiness, then we have a system where people are voting directly on legal proposals, like a referendum, instead of voting indirectly for a man whom we trust to judge the merits and faults of various proposals. A man who will be our moral proxy.

If the man himself is of no account, then let's cut the pretense and just vote for manila folders containing party platforms. It seems to me that’s what our politics have been reduced to; and I think a certain segment of the political spectrum is very pleased about this; they’re the ones screaming that character doesn’t matter.

We ought to be ashamed of ourselves for how superficial we are.”


Anonymous said...

The (I think) original blogger who came up with the description of the type of men we want to run our country, with integrity in all things, was from Hot Air blogger by the name of jeff_from_mpls. This was the most intelligent "take" on our political process ever read. It is concise and right on.

Anonymous said...

The (I think) original blogger who came up with the description of the type of men we want to run our country, with integrity in all things, was from Hot Air blogger by the name of jeff_from_mpls. This was the most intelligent "take" on our political process ever read. It is concise and right on.